This short-course aims at a quick but self-contained introduction of the quantum information theory . The contents are as follows:
◆[First Lecture]
*Chapter 1. Quantum Mechanics
Section 1.1 Dirac’s Terminology Section 1.2 Quantum Bit
Section 1.3 Mixed Quantum State Section 1.4 Purification of Quantum State
Section 1.5 Entangled State Section 1.6 Schmidt Decomposition
◆[Second Lecture]
Section 1.7 Quantum Teleportation Section 1.8 Quantum Dense Coding
Section 1.9 Trace Distance Section 1.10 Fidelity
*Chapter 2. Entropy
Section 2.1 von Neumann Entropy Section 2.2 Quantum Relative Entropy
Section 2.3 Basic Properties of Entropy
◆[Third Lecture]
Section 2.4 Subadditivity Section 2.5 Concavity of the Entropy
Section 2.6 The Entropy of a Mixture of Quantum States Section 2.7 Strong Subadditivity
◆[Fourth Lecture]
*Chapter 3. Generalized Entropy
Section 3.1 Quantum Tsallis Entropy Section 3.2 Quantum Tsallis Relative Entropy
Section 3.3 Tsallis Relative Operator Entropy